Saturday, September 14, 2013

So this is yet another new blog I guess. You've read the 8,383,173,832 other blogs out there right?

But yeah, welcome to my new blog. I have a passion for writing, reading and discussing the Young Adult genres and so those thoughts will go here (obviously).

And I am horrible at writing introductory posts, I know. I wonder if I was this bad with my Nickelodeon and Disney Channel Review blog first post?

Fun fact: I had this post saved as a draft since Mid-September 2013 (as you can see from the actual publication date). Yes this predates my Nick and Disney Channel Review blog by nearly two years. 98% of this post was actually written August 26, 2017. So, yeah.

Fun fact #2: I just realized that this was originally drafted the day after the premiere date of the Jessie Season 2 1-hour finale special. Wow, I remember weird things. Also wow what a long time ago.

The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James by Ashley Herring Blake

Twelve year old Sunny St. James doesn't feel very sunny - she just survived critical heart surgery and her adoptive mom is clearly hidin...